Monday, July 11, 2016

Amazing Benefits Of Moringa Leaves During Pregnancy And Motherhood

1. Aids in breast milk production

2. Relieves constipation

3. Good for cold in babies and kids

If your baby has running nose, take moringa tender leaves along with stem and boil it in pure coconut oil. Apply this oil in baby’s scalp everyday. It is known to stop runny and itchy nose in babies. (NOTE : Please do not try this for babies below 6 months even though its external)

4. Balances d sugar level in d body

5. Immunes d body as it acts as an antioxidant

6. Promotes proper digestion & metabolism

7. Lowers blood pressure – Helps to control blood pressure

8. Provides energy – Being a wholesome food, it provides enormous amounts of energy

9. Lactose free  – Since d calcium present in moringa leaves is lactose free.
10. Increases blood circulation : Helps in increasing the blood circulation. Also its best for anaemic mom/ mom to be.

11. Increases skin texture & beauty –  Juice of moringa leaves is a perfect fix for acne and other skin problems.

12. Rich source of iron – Moringa is rich in iron & zinc. Compared to spinach, moringa has 25 times more iron

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